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If you believe you got the knowledge needed to beat the bookies, feel free to share it with the world with the help of The Fat Cat Bet.

It doesn’t matter how long your article is (we accept everything from 100w to 100000w), nor what the topic is (as long as it’s betting-related), now even how well it’s written (even if English isn’t your first language, don’t worry, we’ll take care of editing).

All that matters is that your article brings value to the readers!

At the moment, we’re not in a need for new members of the team. Our team is big enough to take care of all the tasks necessary for running such a young site as the Fat Cat Bet.

That said, being a guest contributor for The Fat Cat Bet is not a paid position.

Still, this doesn’t mean it can’t change. We’re not stubborn by nature and you can surely try to persuade us by writing valuable betting picks for us.