Wilson Reis vs. Toby Misech Prediction (Cage Warriors 166 San Diego)

Wilson Reis vs. Toby Misech CW 166 Prediction

Image by GoldBJJ from Pixabay

Our Wilson Reis vs. Toby Misech prediction is that the veteran will have a relatively easy job in the CW 166 San Diego main event. To see why we think Reis will win, keep reading this CW 166 prediction!

Wilson Reis vs. Toby Misech CW 166 Prediction

Wilson Reis (27-13) is one of the greatest grapplers in the mixed martial arts world. He’s a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a combat sport he’s been practicing since childhood.

Grappling is his strongest weapon in MMA, the evidence being that all 12 of his finishes happened by submission. Truth be told, he’s not great striking-wise, but at least he’s tough. The proof of this is that the last time he got KO-ed was in 2021. Since then, he’s 3-2, with both of his losses happening by decision.

Now, he’s fighting Toby Misech in the main event of CW 166 San Diego. Misech is 12-8 overall with eight wins by KO/TKO. He’s a great boxer, but he’s horrible on the ground. If Reis manages to take him to the ground, it’s game over for Misech.

Pick: Wilson Reis by submisison