Outright Bets Explained

Outright bets explained

Outright bets or futures bets are those bets whose outcome we won’t know until weeks, months, or even years into the future.

That’s the main difference between outrights and regular bets, which usually finish in a few days’ time.

Because they’re not going to be settled anytime soon, the outright bets might not appear too attractive to you. At least not at the first look.

But, hear us out, there’s one major advantage of outright bets. These bets come with significantly higher odds than other types of bets!

Why Outright Bets Come With Awesome Odds?

This is because odds change over time, based on the information bettors and bookmakers receive about the event. For instance, if there’s some news about the injury of a crucial player, bettors will start betting against his team.

In turn, this will make the bookmakers reduce the odds on the other team, effectively making that team the new favorite. And with reduced odds, there’s no more value in betting on that team.

However, if you’re among the first to hear about the crucial injury, you will be able to make your bet while odds are still high. What this means is that good value is coming your way. In turn, that also means that you’re in to make some really good profits in the long run.

This is the reason why you ought to keep track of what The Fat Cat Bet is posting. Our outright bets are based on the information our team collects from various sources. More often than not, some really valuable bits of info comes our way. And we are going to start sharing it with you!